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1. Introduction


This Cookies Policy seeks to transparently and specifically explain how we use the Personal Information we collect through your use of our Website.


This Website uses Cookies, not only to ensure that we offer a unique and personalized experience, but also as we can share aggregated data with our technological partners that allow us to improve, in a continuous and integrated way, our Website and your experience. navigation.


By continuing to explore the website you expressly agree with our Cookies Policy.


2. What are Cookies?


Cookies are files that have small pieces of information that are stored and downloaded on your device whenever you visit a website (and which usually have a unique identifier).


Some of the Cookies will only be triggered if certain features are used, and Adega do Fundão may use other Cookies that will always be generated and used. In addition, Adega do Fundão and other external Service Providers may store permanent Cookies, which are stored at the browser level on your access equipment and which are used whenever you make a new visit to the Website (and provided that they are defined as necessary for the correct use of the Platform), as well as using temporary session Cookies that remain in your browser's Cookies file until you leave the Website.


We may also use web beacons, tags or scripts on our Website or in emails sent, in order to better understand the usage patterns of our Website.



3. Why Use Cookies?


The use of Cookies is practically universal on all Websites, not harming in any way the devices (computers, tablets, mobile phones) on which they are stored and allowing a better experience of using the Platforms themselves, both in terms of performance and in terms of terms of navigation, since the contents made available will be more oriented to the real needs and expectations of Users.

Cookies thus allow the Website to memorize information about your visit, such as your preferred language, location, recurrence of your sessions and other variables that we consider relevant to make your search experience much more comfortable and efficient.

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